Server Partition Manager

Server 2008 partition manager software

As server operating system, Windows Server 2008 always draws most attention, especially in operating efficiency. This is because the operating efficiency of Windows Server 2008 directly influence efficiency that computer and server operating system exchange data. When there is certain hardware device, to promote server operating efficiency to largest extent, it is necessary to manage server partition well, including the most common Windows Server 2008 partition management – extend partition lacking of space. In daily Windows Server 2008 use, with the installations of mass important software and the generation of log files, the system partition of Windows Server 2008 will be not enough, causing Windows Server 2008 operating system to run slowly. The best way to solve this problem is to extend system partition for Windows Server 2008. However, because of the defects in the Windows Server 2008 built-in disk management tool, server administrators can hardly perfectly extend system partition with it. Don't give up, because the Server 2008 partition manager software with powerful functions and simple operations can help us.

As Server 2008 partition manager software users know, the Server 2008 partition manager software not only is easy-to-use, safe and reliable, but also has very complete partition management functions. It really can help users complete almost all common partition management operations. Take Extend System Partition operating system under Windows Server 2008 as example.

Extend system partition with Server 2008 partition manager software
To manage Windows Server 2008 partitions with Server 2008 partition manager software, please download this Server 2008 partition manager software via Then, install and start this Server 2008 partition manager software.

As shown on the interface below, please select the system partition of Windows Server 2008 and click "Move/Resize".

To extend system partition with Server 2008 partition manager software, drag the partition handle border.

After you extend system partition with Server 2008 partition manager software, please turn back to the main interface and view the previous operating result.

Here, the selected system partition of Windows Server 2008 is already extended. You need to click "Apply" to complete the whole process.

Is it very easy to extend system partition with Server 2008 partition manager software? Apart from this function, you can know more powerful functions by using this Server 2008 partition manager software. Download it now!

Resize Server Partition

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